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Community Outreach


One of our Community Outreach Programs is called, “Let's Talk About The Abuse, (LTATA).” This program falls under the umbrella of Word and Action's Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Program, "Strengthening the Family." The purpose of LTATA is to enable professionals from different fields to provide new perspectives based on their own experiences as a unique way to tackle this very important issue.


W&A aims to take child sexual abuse to a higher platform by having professionals and other influential figures to talk and act collectively. Our Community Relations Director generally takes the lead in preparing and hosting panels for discussion. Furthermore, our Community Outreach Coordinators (COC) serve as a link between W&A and the community. They are equipped and involved in the community.  Also, our COCs promote W&A programs and services throughout the community.


They are trained to assist members of our community and to link them to different social service agencies as needed.

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